Math Puzzles Club

We are offering a math puzzles club this summer!

How Math Puzzles Club Works:

Math Puzzles club will be facilitated by a graduate of Ithaca College’s education program, Gabe Wiersma. Gabe is a history teacher with a passion for the world of math, rooted in a childhood filled with chess tournaments, Math Olympiad, and other math challenges.

Math club will run one hour per week for six weeks. During each session, Gabe will teach a new game or strategy and support students to work through brain twisters, including working cooperatively and competitively with peers to conquer challenges. In between meetings, at home, your child will solve fun puzzles and prepare for our weekly Ken Ken challenges. 

Sign up below for this new math puzzles club!


About Ken Ken


What is Ken Ken: Similar to the popular puzzle game, Sudoku, Ken Ken involves filling in numbers in a grid, making sure that two of the same number is not in any row or column. Ken Ken also puts your math skills to work with each box having different math signs. (7+ means that the numbers in this highlighted box must add up to 7 – 1,6 2,5 or 3,4)


My Ken Ken Story: In 4th grade I was introduced to Ken Ken via Math Olympiad. At the time I enjoyed math but knew little about math beyond a textbook or workbook. Ken Ken soon taught me how math can be fun, challenging and something social where I can interact, work through and ultimately conquer challenging problems with my peers. To this day I continue to do Ken Ken puzzles and hope to pass on my love of Ken Ken to the next generation. 


Check out this article on the power of Ken Ken and then try a ken ken below on your own!